What services can I get from my IHSS worker?

There are many services that people can get from IHSS, including:

  • domestic services such as sweeping, vacuuming, washing kitchen counters and sinks, cleaning the bathroom, taking out garbage, dusting and picking up, cleaning oven and stove, cleaning and defrosting refrigerator, and changing bed linen;
  • heavy cleaning;
  • meal preparation and clean-up;
  • laundry;
  • food shopping;
  • medical accompaniment;
  • bowel and bladder;
  • respiration;
  • feeding;
  • bed baths;
  • bathing, oral hygiene and grooming;
  • dressing;
  • repositioning and rubbing skin;
  • paramedical services (hands on services such as wound care or foot care); and
  • protective supervision (watching someone 24 hours per day).

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