The county welfare office must give you a written notice at least 10 days before it stops your CalFresh benefits. (CalFresh is the new name for “food stamps”.)
The county welfare office must give you a written notice at least 10 days before it stops your CalFresh benefits. (CalFresh is the new name for “food stamps”.)
There are many reasons the county might say you were paid too many CalFresh benefits. (CalFresh is the new name for “food stamps.”) The county calls overpaid CalFresh benefits an “overissuance.”
There are many reasons the county might say you were paid too many CalFresh benefits. (CalFresh is the new name for “food stamps.”) The county calls overpaid CalFresh benefits an “overissuance.”
There are many reasons the county might say you cannot get CalWORKs benefits. Some of these reasons are that your income is too high, you have too much property, you don’t have custody of your children, or you did not turn in paperwork..
There are many reasons the county might say you cannot get CalWORKs benefits. Some of these reasons are that your income is too high, you have too much property, you don’t have custody of your children, or you did not turn in paperwork..
There are many reasons the county might say your CalWORKs benefits will stop. Some of these reasons are that your income is too high, you have too much property, you don’t have custody of your children or you did not turn in paperwork to the county.
There are many reasons the county might say your CalWORKs benefits will stop. Some of these reasons are that your income is too high, you have too much property, you don’t have custody of your children or you did not turn in paperwork to the county.